At Home With: Pete Cross, The Union Club
· Ben Pearson Ben Pearson on
One of the most rewarding features of our business is meeting like-minded people and developing relationships. In these lock down times, we miss visiting our favourite people. So, we wanted to check-in with them to find out how they are coping and what is keeping them busy at home. Introducing our latest series: At Home With.
Over 25 years ago, Pete Cross and Chef Carolyn Dawson purchased a dilapidated building at 50 Greek Street, Soho. After tireless work to breath life into a building that was in a terrible state–the previous tenant set fire to it–the Union Club was born. Over the intervening years, it has grown to become an iconic private members club that offers a creative, relaxing energy amongst the bustle of central London. We spoke to Pete to find out how he is doing during lockdown.
Jeroboams: Who are you and what do you do?
Pete: I’m the guvnor at the Union Club, Soho. I stop the buck.
How has life changed for you since lock down?
It hasn’t much, except the balls I was juggling are now chainsaws, and I’m doing it in my garden, in the sun.
What have been the business challenges for you?
To quickly shut down expenditure to survive lock-down and to plan for a difficult year ahead.
What has pleasantly surprised you about life in lock down?
How pleasant and enjoyable retirement could be (as long as the pubs were open).
What are you most looking forward about post-lock down life?
The pubs re-opening.
What have you been eating recently?
I live with the chef, so I’ve been eating very well. She’s doing an on-line baking course so plenty of pastry goods.
What have you been drinking?
Union branded red and white (supplied by Jeroboams).
How have you been spending your time at home? What is keeping you entertained?
Sleeping and gardening.
What have you been listening to?
Nothing. Silence has become the norm and I will not enjoy going back to a noisy world.